A Less tangeled Tune

Music is inextricably intertwined into our way of life. It’s the air we breathe and beat in our heart. It’s beautiful and inspirational for all those who aren’t afraid to feel…

Wireless - A Whole New Way of Enjoying Music

Why The Hell Are We Letting Convenience Take Away Quality?
Would You Not Prefer Both?

Without it, I feel naked. Don't laugh it's true! It clothes me with natural rhymes and extravagant beats. Music leaks deeper than the surface and into the soul. It expresses strong emotions and could even define who we are. Music truly is one of the few things in life everyone can enjoy.

Life's Is Complicated As It Is - Tangled Up Wires Only Frustrate Me Further

Music is becoming more portable by the day. And freedom is essential when it comes to chilling out with our music gadgets. I love the fact that I can listen to it on the bus, in the doctors waiting room or even when I'm out for a walk. Wires and plugs just complicate things. And life is complicated enough, thank you very much. Besides, listening to music means chilling out when I want, without wasting 5 Minuets of my day to get the damn thing untangled!

Good Music Deserves Good Sound

Yes sound quality is a major concern for me. If it doesn't produce the best audio, it's just not worth listening to. Meanwhile, most music listeners don't know what they're missing. They listen to their cheap plastic earbuds, and what they hear is what they get. Unfortunetely what's being lost is not being replaced by the convenience. Most people who wear cheap audio earbuds are willing to trade off the overall sound quality for a set of earbuds that are less expensive.


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